Get To Know ICA
ICA has been in the Non-Profit and fundraising industry for over 20 years. All three of our partners and owners have been fortunate enough to be mentored by the best and can engage in every facet of the industry. We have always tried to incorporate that expertise into everything we do, and it shows to this day.
Since opening our doors, we have developed a true passion for fundraising. While our passion for the industry plays a large role in each of our career choices, our passion for helping others is, by far, the driving force. This overwhelming desire to help others led us to create ICA.
We all have goals for our charity of choice, and fundraising is a powerful tool in achieving those goals. While we pride ourselves on being able to help in every facet of your fundraising need, we understand that the fundraiser itself serves a larger purpose. ICA celebrates the impact we can have on your charitable efforts.
Whether your charity is well-versed in fundraising or just starting out, ICA is here to empower your fundraising. Our mission is to help you take your event to the next level!
For more information concerning ICA, or to arrange your charity event with us, please give us a call at 815-228-5835.